Why Are A Pair Of Nice Shoes So Important?

It is known that everyone is not rich or care about fashion and dressing up etc. But having a nice pair of shoes is a must in being a respectable man in this world. Luckily for most, times have changed because many years ago, you were nothing if you did not dress up properly and look and act like a well spoken, clean and respectable individual. These days you have people wearing tennis shoes with their suits, flip flops with their jeans and shoes that were once white and clean, now brown and having holes in them.

Gianni Oxford Shoes
Wholecut Mahogany Oxford shoes by Gianni

Geerts Derby Shoes
Geerts Derby Shoes

We live in a world where every second of everyday people are judging others by their appearances before they are even able to meet them. They say that an interview is greatly affected within the first ten seconds of you entering the room. That means that your outfit has a huge part of that decision as I am sure your smile, handshake and greeting do too. The appearance of who you are is decided in how you look and I can guarantee that a crappy pair of shoes will be noticed instantly.

Tommy Devito double Monk strap shoes
Tommy Devito Double Monk strap shoes

Wolf & Shepherd loafers
Wolf & Shepherd Ringer Loafers

We need a nice pair of shoes just like we need to all own a suit, because it serves. If you are spending anything less on your dress shoes, you are cheating yourself. Cheap shoes don't look good nor do they last long. You end up spending more in the long run and looking like a bum in the meantime.

Thursday boot Co. Scout Chukka boots
Thursday boot Co. Scout Chukka boots

Stacy Adams Abbott oxford
Stacy Adams Abbott Cap Toe Oxfords

Shoes command the most respect in an outfit. They are the easiest thing to spot if the quality is low. So just realize that when you are buying that crappy pair of shoes because it is cheaper, you are doing yourself a disservice because everybody can see that if you are not poor, then you must be cheap, have no style or are just plain uneducated. Do yourself a favor and next time you go to get new shoes, make it a nice pair. Trust me, when you get more compliments, you will feel better about your decision.


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